Our Top Tips for Looking After Your Skin When Traveling

Posted by Sophie Green on

Consistency is key

For best results, and to reduce the risk of any travel-induced complexion chaos, remember the core tenets of a good skincare routine: cleansing, hydration, nourishment and protection. 

Travel-sized products aren’t just easy on the eye and helpful when packing – they’re a great way to ensure your skin is getting everything it needs. Our curated skincare travel kit is a 5-step glow ritual, including travel-sized versions of our best sellers. We’ve taken the guesswork out of packing and made a travel-friendly version of our signature ritual, so you can cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate and renew your complexion whilst you travel.

Stock up for the flight

When you travel on a plane, the air can be extremely drying to your skin. Make sure you have the right nourishing skincare products with you, especially on longer flights, so you can refresh and hydrate your skin during the journey.

All that harsh recycled air on board your flight can be drying and aggravating for the skin. However, the forced downtime also makes it a perfect time to give your complexion a little extra TLC, so be sure to pack skincare in your carry-on. A gentle jelly cleanser like Oasis Fresh Cleanser will ensure a clean slate, which you can follow with a cream exfoliator to gently buff and polish the skin for a deeper clean. Follow with a facial oil to further nourish your skin and really lock in moisture. 

For long-haul flights, treat your skin to an overnight recovery mask. An extra-nourishing treat, it’ll soothe and hydrate, stemming moisture loss to keep your skin barrier strong. Or, for shorter flights, a day moisturizer will do the trick. This do-it-all gel cream deeply nourishes and hydrates, and is immediately absorbed for fast radiance and refreshment.,

All these products are in our Les Petites Gift Set, travel-sized and ready for your journey.

Pack a face mist

You’ll likely have longer days when you’re traveling, or find yourself switching between extreme air conditioning and sweltering temperatures outside. A face mist is the perfect way to hydrate, calm and cool, sparing your skin from any irritation or loss of moisture.

Our Oasis Veil reviving glow mist is perfect to pop in your purse. Laden with hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C and uplifting orange blossom, this weightless spray-on serum calms and hydrates whilst also protecting the skin from environmental stressors. It won’t disturb makeup or cause smearing, either.

Stick with your SPF

Sun protection is non-negotiable year-round wherever you are, but if you’re in an especially hot climate, be extra diligent with re-application and try to avoid sun exposure in the hottest part of the day. Consider wearing a hat to keep the sun off your face, and stick to the shade where you can. Sun damage is not only problematic for your health, but it also depletes your natural stores of collagen and elastin, causing melasma, and making the skin duller and more likely to show signs of age faster. SPF can help keep your skin healthy and glowing, preventing sunburn and inflammation, as well as keeping your skin plump and radiant.


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